HP Wins Freshmen CSL North Outdoor Invite

Saturday, May 11 2024 - CSL North Outdoor Track and Field

The CSL North has a Freshmen Invite each outdoor season. This allows the freshmen to compete against their own grade level since most invites have a frosh-soph level. HP had a solid group of freshmen this season that worked hard and hoped to have a chance to win the frosh level invite. 


Field Event Highlights:

The meet started well for the Giants in the throws. Jacob Both won the shot put (35’5.25”) and the discus (104’10”). It was a personal best in the discus as Both threw over 100 feet for the first time. Daniel Derbedyenyev was put in the discus just before the meet and stepped up big with a toss of 91’11”. This was a personal best for Derbedyenyev and earned him 3rd place. Justin Lopez was near his best in the shot put as he took 4th place with a throw of 31’4”. Derbedyenyev also had his best mark in the shot put as he got over 30 feet for the first time. He threw 30’3.5” for the event. Leo Buss threw 23’11.5” in the shot put. 

In the long jump Elliott Schraub jumped near his best mark with a 15’8.25”. Preston Reed got past the 15 foot mark for the first time as he jumped 15’7”. Schraub and Reed finished in 7th and 8th places. In the open long jump, Ari Rosenthal was jumping in his second meet of the season and had a massive personal best of 16’1.75”. This would have placed 5th in the scored flight and was a nearly 3 foot improvement. Vasco Leite and Luca Ritchie both had personal best marks to get over 14 feet for the first time (14’11.25” and 14’8.75”).

Track Event Highlights:

The 4X800 meter relay team for HP was led off by Joaquin Rivera in a 2:36.6 split. Sprinter and jumper Vasco Leite was next and split a solid 2:30.7. Maksar Oyurskiy raced his 2 laps in 2:55.8. The final leg was run by another sprinter, Josh Alberts. He ran a 2:39.2 as the team earned 3rd place in the event. 

The freshmen 4X100 meter relay has been having success this season and it continued with a 1st place finish in :46.23. The team consisted of Mishkin Filstrup, Jonathan Blidee, Jayden Corchado, and Jacob Both. 

In the 3200 meter run, Makena Duggan was subbed in just before the meet. This was his first 3200 of the season. Joaquin Martinez was the other entry for HP. The two worked together throughout the race to try to break away from 2 runners from Niles West. Duggan led the way with Martinez right with him. One of the NW runners dropped back early in the race. The other runner hung on for about 1 mile before Duggan and Martinez pulled away to take 1st and 2nd! Duggan ran 12:03.97 with Martinez right behind him in 12:08.79. 

Elliott Schraub ran a personal best time of 19.49 in the 110 meter high hurdles. This earned him 2nd place in the event. 

Filstrup and Corchado took 3rd and 4th place in the 100 meter dash. They both ran personal best times with Filstrup 11.76 while Corchado crossed the line in 11.84 (the first time he has run sub 12 seconds). In the open 100, all of the HP competitors raced to personal best times. Both led the way in 12.22. Jude White went sub 14 for the first time in 13.35. Rosenthal ran his first 100 of the season and finished in 13.44. Ritchie ran under 15 seconds for the first time with a 14.69.

The 4X200 meter relay team of Filstrup, Blidee, Leite, and White ran 1:41.26 to take 3rd place in the event. This was the first time Leite and White raced in a 4X200. 

Despite a foot injury, Gabriel Jackson ran an impressive personal best :54.33 in the 400 meter dash. This earned him 2nd place. Reed ran near his best time with a 1:00.10 to take 4th place.

Schraub came back in the 300 intermediate hurdles to run another personal best. He ran :48.74 and took 3rd place in the event. 

In the 1600 meter run, Duggan and Martinez worked together again to try and earn some team points. Duggan battled to the line and grabbed 6th place in 5:37.06 to earn 1 point. Martinez was not far back in 5:41.39. In the open 1600, Rivera ran a gutsy race and even led a portion of it as he was pushing to try to break 6 minutes. He ended up crossing the line in a big personal best to run 5:51.80. Oyurskiy also battled tough and ran a personal best. He finished in 6:22.91 for the 1600. 

Filstrup and Corchado both scored again in an event as they took 3rd and 6th in the 200 meter dash. Filstrup ran :24.07 and Corchado finished in :24.74. 

Jackson led off the 4X400 meter relay in a :58.7 to put the team in good position. Reed split a :59.7 and handed off to Schraub who ran a 1:01.4. The final leg was run by Blidee. He ran an impressive :55.7 split to help the relay team earn 2nd place. 


HP ended up winning the meet with 125 points! Niles West was in 2nd place with 95 points and Niles North was 3rd with 94. This was a tremendous team performance for the Giants. This freshmen crew is motivated to continue their success for years to come. The future of HP track & field is bright.


Giant of the Meet Nominations:

Jacob Both - 4 events: PR 100 12.22, 1st 4X100, 1st SP, 1st PR discus 104’10”.


Jonathan Blidee - 3 great relay legs: 1st 4X100, 3rd 4X200, 2nd 4X400 w/huge PR :55.7. Brings a positive attitude and supports his teammates.


Makenna Duggan - 1st 3200 (first time running the event and found out he was in it just before leaving on the bus to the meet) and 6th in the 1600.


Joaquin Rivera - First time running 4X800 and split a lead-off 2:36.6 and raced to a big PR in the 1600 for first time sub 6 with a 5:51.80.


Daniel Derbedyenyev - Was put in the discus last minute and got a big PR 91’11” for 3rd place. Also, a PR in the SP of 30’3.5”.


Jayden Corchado - 3 events: 1st 4X100, 4th 100 PR sub 12 with an 11.84, 6th in the 200.


Mishkin Filstrup - 4 events: 1st 4X100, 3rd 100 PR 11.76, 3rd 4X200, and 3rd 200.


Luca Ritchie - Big PR in the TJ for 5th place 31’7.25”, first time over 30 feet.


Giants of the Meet:

Jonathan Blidee